Vendor Information
Act now to be a part of our annual events. Hundreds of thousands of visitors return to Mansfield Properties in Mansfield annually because of amenities such as free trolley service from parking lots, comfortable sitting areas, modern restrooms, blacktop walkways, and food court seating!
BEcome a Vendor today!
What we offer
- Premiere Locations
- Affordable Pricing
- Special Vendor Parking Passes
- Multiple Size Spaces
- Camping
- Electricity
- Restrooms
- Indoor / Outdoor Spaces
Site Maps
See what spaces are available.
Rules and Regulations
All vendors must follow the rules. No exceptions will be allowed. Please contact Todd with an questions.
- Show Hours: 8-6
- Setup begins Tuesday before the show starts
- After hours access to indoor sites not allowed
- Must stay within your rented space
- No Subleasing
- No microphones or haggling in the isles
- Electricity is available, but must be paid for
- MOVE OUT: 5pm Sunday last day of show
- You are responsible for removal of all trash
- Only items on contract can be sold
- Visible Fire Extinguisher is required
- No Smoking in booth spaces or any were indoors
All vendors at the Covered Bridge Festival and Mushroom Festival are required to have a Parke County Transient Merchant License (TML) from the Parke County Auditor. All vendors serving food must apply for and receive a Parke County Temporary Food Permit. Deadlines are in place and late application/payment penalties apply. There are no exceptions to these requirements. You may download the applications below. Please read the requirements carefully.
Click here to link to TML permit
Vendor Guidelines
We expect our vendors to be good residents, neighbors, and business people. To that end:
- We reserve the right to refuse space rental to anyone, at anytime, at our sole discretion
- We reserve the right to determine the mix of products and services being sold on our property. You will be asked specifically what you are selling and if you deviate from what you tell us then we will remove you from our property
- No products may be sold that are unlicenced
- No knockoff products may be sold
- All outdoor vendor spaces must be covered
- All vendor vehicles must be parked in parking/camping areas – not in vendor spaces